...when you have cool shit.
Actually, it may still be hoarding - but maybe, it's autism? Maybe it's Maybelline.
Autistic Burnout Infographics.
(click to link to source)
(This links to a page that didn't credit @actuallyautisticalien. I can't seem to find anywhere to link to @actuallyautisticalien)
My Collections
Funko Pop Vinyl Dolls
(And one of my many plants)
Cubbies, Jadeite, Vintage Decor, Books
My Gardening Journey
My garden bed in the backyard
Onions on the right, baby hostas on the left, and unknown in the back. What is it???
(Gratuitous photobomb by Carrot)
Help me identify this plant!
Let me know if you'd like a sticker!
Dog Rescue of the Week
Dog of the Week